What is the `plugin` command in `~.urdf.xacro` file?
Hello, I'm working on ROS melodic of Ubuntu 18.04.
I'm having modified the ~.urdf.xacro
file to attach a LiDAR sensor to mobile robot (on simulator).
But it already has one kind of sonar
sensor default.
I tried to convert it to LiDAR
sensor, and I faced with the following in ~.urdf.xacro
file :
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_${name}_controller" filename="libhector_gazebo_ros_sonar.so">
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_${name}_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_laser.so">
So, what does the plugin
command do?
In the case of LiDAR sensor, I've never seen the above plugin
codes at least so far.
If anyone who knows it, would you please give me advice?
Thanks in advance. :)
have you tried google? First hit: http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=ro...