Having trouble publishing JointState msg from Arduino
Hi everyone, I am currently creating my own robotic arm actuated with Dynamixel motors.
The point of my code is to read the motor's position with an Arduino Mega and fulfill a sensor_msgs/JointState msg to be published over ROS on a /joint_state topic in order to get a feedback.
Rosserial is usually working quite well, but due to some mistakes, I supposed in my arduino's code, the /joint_state topic is empty when I do a rostopic echo /joint_states
(nothing is being published).
Here's my arduino code:
#include <DynamixelSerial.h> //rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200
#include <ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/JointState.h>
ros::NodeHandle nh;
sensor_msgs::JointState robot_state;
ros::Publisher pub("joint_states", &robot_state);
int posJoint;
char robot_id = "arm";
char *joint_name[6] = {"joint_01", "joint_02", "joint_03", "joint_04", "joint_05", "joint_06"};
float pos[6];
float vel[6];
float eff[6];
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Dynamixel.setSerial(&Serial1); // &Serial - Arduino UNO/NANO/MICRO, &Serial1, &Serial2, &Serial3 - Arduino Mega
Dynamixel.begin(1000000,2); // Inicialize the servo at 1 Mbps and Pin Control 2
Dynamixel.moveSpeed(1,512,512); //Home position
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
for(int id = 1; id <= 6; id++){ // Fulfill the arrays whith motor readings
posJoint = posToRadians(Dynamixel.readPosition(id));
pos[id] = posJoint;
vel[id] = 0.5; // Value only for testing
eff[id] = 0.1; // Value only for testing
// Fulfill the sensor_msg/JointState msg
robot_state.name_length = 6;
robot_state.velocity_length = 6;
robot_state.position_length = 6;
robot_state.effort_length = 6;
robot_state.header.stamp = nh.now();
robot_state.header.frame_id = robot_id;
robot_state.name = joint_name;
robot_state.position = pos;
robot_state.velocity = vel;
robot_state.effort = eff;
pub.publish( &robot_state);
double posToRadians(int posInt) // Dynamixel position into radians
float position_degrees = map(posInt, 0, 1023, -150, 150);
float position_radians = (position_degrees * 3.14)/180;
return position_radians;
Specs: - ROS melodic (up to date) - Ubuntu mate 18.04 - Arduino IDE 1.8.8
Feel free to ask me for more informations
Have a nice day
on Arduinos requires some more bookkeeping when dealing with arrays.Have you see wiki/rosserial/Overview/Limitations - Arrays and made sure to do everything it mentions?
No, I hadn't seen it. I might have to add
Header header;
and replacesensor_msgs::JointState robot_state;
bysensor_msgs::JointState[] robot_state;
I'll check if it works later. Thank you !No, that's not what that page tells you. The message shown there is just an example.
Arrays in messages have an extra field when used with
, as lengths of arrays / lists cannot be determined from a pointer alone.You don't appear to be setting that field, so most likely
assumes the message it receives contains zero-length arrays.Isn't it what I have already done there ?
Thank you for your help
You're correct. That would be those fields. I'd missed them when reading your question.
I'd also assumed that with "empty", you mean there are messages on
, but they don't contain any information. In fact, re-reading, I now assume you mean there no messages published at all. Correct?Yes, there is nothing at all published on /
.Then I would suggest to take a step back: can you publish any message from your Arduino code to the ROS side?
Start with a simple
or something similar.Ufortunately yes, simple messages work fine and also all the Arduino exemple codes working as well.