Rosdep not fetching dependencies on RPi3 running Kinetic
I'm building a package (create_autonomy) for connecting the iRobot Create2 to ROS. I have been having issues with the rosdep definitions for my system (a Raspberry Pi 3, running Raspian 9 with ROS Kinetic).
I have run rosdep update as well as rosdep resolve and am still struggling to resolve dependencies. For example, rosdep resolve geometry
results in ERROR: No definition of [geometry] for OS [debian]
. I have also tried this with geometry2 with the same result. I have similar errors when I run the catkin_make process.
So far, my only solution has been to manually add the sources for the required packages from github sources, however my understanding of rosdep as well as the package.xml file is that this should not be necessary.
I have noted that there have been legacy issues that appear similar to mine, although these claim to all have been resolved:
Is there any way I can get past this issue, or is manually adding the dependencies my best approach?
Thank you for your help!
For completeness I have added the command trace and error messages:
$ git clone
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
ca_driver: No definition of [tf] for OS [debian]
ca_tools: No definition of [joy_teleop] for OS [debian]
ca_description: No definition of [xacro] for OS [debian]