Simulated or stubbed out OpenCR serial communications
I would like to use the TurtleBot3 SBC stack as a test case for some architectural security research.
It would be convenient not to connect to the OpenCR board, ask I'd like to run the stack in a VM.
I don't currently need either the sensor input or the motor output that the OpenCR board currently provides, though I will subsequently incorporate that into my project.
Are there any simulators that I can run on the SBC that basically provide dummy sensor data and happily receive serial output from the SBC.
If not, are there any examples of modified code for the SBC which effectively avoids serial comms with the OpenCR board?
You might want to ask this on a forum dedicated to OpenCR support (although I don't know of any), send your question to Robotis and/or post it on one of their issue trackers.
Your question is rather specific, and falls outside of the "normal" use of that particular piece of software. I could be wrong, but I expect this makes it unlikely someone here will be able to provide your with an answer.
Thanks for the quick feedback!
While I would love an emulator for OpenCR, I meant it less as an OpenCR question and more of a TurtleBot question. I had assumed someone developing on TurtleBot had, at some point, not wanted to keep the OpenCR board connected while testing the SPC (i.e., the RPI), and would have developed some minimal program that could run either on the RPI or the host to allow the nodes on the RPI to launch normally.
I could edit the question to simply say: Are there any instructions for testing the TurtleBot3 RPI without a connection to either the lidar or the OpenCR board?
You could certainly try. I don't know whether that will result in any better/more responses though.
The OpenCR parts are sources for quite some data flowing through the system. And also sinks.
You could probably write some simple scripts that publish/generate and accept the same messages. Whether something like that exists I wouldn't know though.