osm_cartography does not work for Southern Hemisphere countries?
Hi I tried to use the osm_cartography, but seems like it only works for the countries in Northern Hemisphere. Is there anyway that I can make it work for Southern Hemisphere countries?
I use ROS Melodic. I also get the UTM coordinate from this website http://www.rcn.montana.edu/resources/converter.aspx
My launch file looks like this:
<!-- Northern Hemisphere country: work -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="tf_map_local_map" args="444599 5028795 0 0 0 0 1 /map /local_map 100" />
<arg name="url" default="package://osm_cartography/tests/test1.osm" />
<!-- Southern Hemisphere country: not working -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="tf_map_local_map" args="338437 5805942 0 0 0 0 1 /map /local_map 100" />
<arg name="url" default="package://osm_cartography/tests/test2.osm" />
<node pkg="osm_cartography" type="osm_server" name="osm_server" />
<node pkg="osm_cartography" type="viz_osm" name="viz_osm" >
<param name="map_url" value="$(arg url)" />
Thank you