Installing rosdep performance improvements
I'm using docker cmd run build ros ci packages. On docker file I have
RUN rosdep init
RUN rosdep fix-permissions
On entry point run
rosdep update
On cmd I run
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
The rosdep command install all ros dependencies based on a cloned git repo with ros packages and takes about 10 minutes on standard laptop with ~60Mb/s connection speed.
Can you suggest faster way of doing the same? Assuming the dependencies of the cloned repo can be changed (added or removed) on every clone.
Thanks a lot, Tal
What are the specs of the machine you are running this on? Does it have an SSD, or a spinning disk?
there's no point in running this from within a Docker
sequence. Unless you run it after switching to a non-root
user.Ok. My laptop is quite new and has SSD Disk with 12 8th gen i7 CPUs.