How to get the latest commit of a dependency
Hi everyone,
I use the following dependency in my project:, and installed it with apt via rosdep. However, there is a feature in the few lasts commits that I want to use, but no release has been done yet with these commits, and the project is in standby since May.
What is my best option to get the latest changes of this project? I would prefer not to clone it in my catkin workspace.. Can I use bloom or rosdep for this? I am not very familiar with the former.
For example, can I create a custom rosdep distribution file to build it from sources and install it in /opt/ros/kinetic, or whatever?
I am using ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.
Thanks for your attention, Hugo
that would be the most straightforward way to do this however.
I know, but we have quite a complex workspace, and I would really prefer not to add a third-party package in it.
And using an underlay, would that be impossible/undesirable as well?