Using a ROS custom message type across machines/hosts [closed]

asked 2019-09-17 03:18:07 -0500

marc wellman gravatar image

I am unable to use a custom ROS message type on machine B that I have created on machine A.

Machine A:

  • runs roscore.
  • has the custom message code as a ROS package.
  • has sourced the setup.bash of the package.
  • runs a python script that publishes on a topic using the custom message type.

Machine B:

  • when I run: "rostopic list", I do see the topic I am publishing to on machine A.
  • when I run: "runmsg list", I DO NOT see the custom message type I am looking for (the one, my topic is using)

When I do these things locally, means all on machine A, everything works as expected: my pyhton script publishes a test message using my custom message type and with "rostopic echo" I can even successfully subscribe to it with getting all the messages that are sent displaxed correctly.

So, what am I missing in order to use my custom message from machine A also on machine B?

Please, I really need help on that!

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by gvdhoorn
close date 2019-09-17 03:38:01.140425



So, what am I missing in order to use my custom message from machine A also on machine B?

the fact that message definitions are just files and you need to make sure those files are present on all hosts involved in the communication.

Please see #q329712, of which your question is a recent duplicate. And #q286263 and #q202743.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-09-17 03:37:54 -0500 )edit

Having the same package with my custom message on all machine where I need to use them, works fine and solved my problem!

Thank you very much!

marc wellman gravatar image marc wellman  ( 2019-09-17 04:20:44 -0500 )edit