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Autoware op_global_planner error

asked 2019-08-19 14:09:23 -0500

udeto gravatar image


I am trying to run autoware (1.12.0) in simulation with carla (0.9.5) using a ros-bridge (

For the mission planning I would like to use the op_global_planner. Therefore I have added a vector map for the Carla Map containing lanes and street boundaries. When I set a goal via rviz I get the following error message:

Error: PlannerH -> Can't Find Global Waypoint Nodes in the Map for Start (X:193.740097046, Y:-161.771835327, Z:0.651846647263, A:1.5702905655
Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0
) and Goal (X:72.8128204346, Y:-239.212982178, Z:0, A:0
Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0
Can't Generate Global Path for Start (X:193.740097046, Y:-161.771835327, Z:0.651846647263, A:1.5702905655
Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0
) and Goal (X:72.8128204346, Y:-239.212982178, Z:0, A:0
Lon:0, Lat:0, Alt:0, Dir:0

Can some body help me fix this issue?

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Could you provide the vector map data you used? The error says that the planner couldn't find correct route, so it is likely that there is something wrong with the map.

mitsudome-r gravatar image mitsudome-r  ( 2019-08-26 04:21:58 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-08 17:02:32 -0500

udeto gravatar image

Sorry for my late reply! I was missing vector map info, adding these solved the problem. Thanks

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Can you please elaborate on what was wrong with the vector map? I am running into the same issue.

TvdSmagt gravatar image TvdSmagt  ( 2020-01-22 05:30:22 -0500 )edit

I believe he meant that he is missing data/information/files in the vectormap. I am running into the same issue but looking at the sample data from autoware it appears that I am missing dtlanes.csv and vector.csv. Not quite sure why but that would make sense

JoloGermanAg gravatar image JoloGermanAg  ( 2020-07-15 15:00:50 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-08-19 14:09:23 -0500

Seen: 753 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '19