Cannot receive data from velodyne
I'm using ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04 on a Jetson TX2 installed on a Jackal robot (see: )
The Jackal has a VLP16 lidar installed, with files from the following page downloaded: (all instructions on this page were followed)
When I run rostopic echo /velodyne_points or /velodyne_packets, or rostopic hz for the two, I receive nothing, or the line "no new messages"
I have used Wireshark ( and can see that the data from the VLP is being published, but I think that for some reason ROS is not receiving it.
Thanks for any help!
Are you running rostopic echo on the TX2 or on a remote machine? If its on a remote machine then you likely don't have your ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP environment variables set correctly