Project structure for packages with in-source-tree-dependencies without installing dependencies to system?
I have a few projects I am trying to build in such a way that debians can be created from packages in my source tree without having to first install the dependencies to the system.
I have followed the guide here to give rosdeps knowledge of my source tree built dependencies (although I'm not really sure what part of this points to what part of the tree, I put the yaml file in the same dir as the project.xml file and I'm hoping for the best)
rosdeps resolve on the dependencies says everything is fine, but rosdeps check on the dependent projects reports that the dependent packages can not be found. It should also come as no surprise then, that an attempt to build a debian package from the dependent packages fails at the configure step with "Can not find package configuration file provided by "dependency package" with the following names" Attempts to set an environment variable pointing to the directory containig the ...-config.cmake file for the dependencies doesn't seem to propagate through to the debian/rules binary call.
How am I supposed to structure this project such that I can build the dependencies and dependent packages all from source without having to first install the dependencies to the system?