ROS2 DDS communication: How to connect AWS EC2 Instance remotely
I am trying to connect from a Client PC (Raspberry Pi) to an AWS EC2 Instance remotely over the internet using by UDP unicast.
I had set up both computers as below.I executed a "ros2 run demo_nodes_py talker" on this Client PC, and executed a "ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener" on this Instance. But this Instance cannot receive topic messageses from this Client PC. Please let me know how to connect AWS EC2 Instance.
Details information is below:
AWS EC2 Instance configuration
- TYPE: AWS EC2 VPC Instance(t2.micro)
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS Version: ROS2 Dashing Diademata
- Private IP:
Public IP: bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<participant profile_name="my_profile_s" is_default_profile="true">
- AWS EC2 Security Group Inbound Configuration
type : port number: src address
Custom UDP: port 7412 :
Custom UDP: port 7413 :
Custom UDP: port 7414 :
Custom UDP: port 7415 :
Custom UDP: port 7416 :
Client PC configuration
- TYPE: Raspberry Pi 3+
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS Version: ROS 2 Dashing Diademata
- Private IP: ccc.ccc.ccc.ccc
Public IP: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<participant profile_name="my_profile_c" is_default_profile="true">
Thank you in advance for reading my question.
Best regards,
Fwiw, I have also been unable to get UDP unicast to work. However, I was able to get TCP to work from client to EC2 server. Let me know if that configuration would be helpful.