Moveit error with multiple group(robot)
I want to use two robot group in a moveit configuration and I follow this repo to setup.
But when I launch it, I got some errors below:
1st part:
[ERROR] [1561381793.673494508]: Client [/motion_streaming_interface] wants topic /joint_path_command to have datatype/md5sum [motoman_msgs/DynamicJointTrajectory/81bfbf2d02070fdef3a528bd72b49257], but our version has [trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory/65b4f94a94d1ed67169da35a02f33d3f]. Dropping connection.
2nd part:
[ INFO] [1561381797.737253621]: Starting scene monitor
[ INFO] [1561381797.741169725]: Listening to '/move_group/monitored_planning_scene'
[ INFO] [1561381797.742239299]: waitForService: Service [/get_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ WARN] [1561381799.094229861]: Waiting for mh5/r1/joint_trajectory_action to come up
[ INFO] [1561381802.758199851]: Failed to call service get_planning_scene, have you launched move_group? at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-planning-0.9.15/planning_scene_monitor/src/planning_scene_monitor.cpp:498
[ INFO] [1561381803.239068841]: Constructing new MoveGroup connection for group 'r1_manipulator' in namespace ''
[ WARN] [1561381805.094440152]: Waiting for mh5/r1/joint_trajectory_action to come up
[ERROR] [1561381811.094635485]: Action client not connected: mh5/r1/joint_trajectory_action
[ WARN] [1561381816.123840402]: Waiting for mh5/r2/joint_trajectory_action to come up
[ WARN] [1561381822.124058908]: Waiting for mh5/r2/joint_trajectory_action to come up
[ERROR] [1561381828.124273610]: Action client not connected: mh5/r2/joint_trajectory_action
Here is my controllers.yaml :
- name: ""
action_ns: joint_trajectory_action
type: FollowJointTrajectory
joints: [r1_joint_s, r1_joint_l, r1_joint_u, r1_joint_r, r1_joint_b, r1_joint_t, r2_joint_s, r2_joint_l, r2_joint_u, r2_joint_r, r2_joint_b, r2_joint_t]
- name: mh5/r1
action_ns: joint_trajectory_action
type: FollowJointTrajectory
joints: [r1_joint_s, r1_joint_l, r1_joint_u, r1_joint_r, r1_joint_b, r1_joint_t]
- name: mh5/r2
action_ns: joint_trajectory_action
type: FollowJointTrajectory
joints: [r2_joint_s, r2_joint_l, r2_joint_u, r2_joint_r, r2_joint_b, r2_joint_t]
and motoman_mh5_planning_execution.launch:
<!-- The planning and execution components of MoveIt! configured to run -->
<!-- using the ROS-Industrial interface. -->
<!-- Non-standard joint names:
- Create a file [robot_moveit_config]/config/joint_names.yaml
controller_joint_names: [joint_1, joint_2, ... joint_N]
- Update with joint names for your robot (in order expected by rbt controller)
- and uncomment the following line: -->
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find clear_dual_motoman_mh5_moveit_config)/config/joint_names.yaml"/>
<!-- the "sim" argument controls whether we connect to a Simulated or Real robot -->
<!-- - if sim=false, a robot_ip argument is required -->
<arg name="sim" default="true" />
<arg name="robot_ip" unless="$(arg sim)" />
<!-- load the robot_description parameter before launching ROS-I nodes -->
<include file="$(find clear_dual_motoman_mh5_moveit_config)/launch/planning_context.launch" >
<arg name="load_robot_description" value="true" />
<!-- run the robot simulator and action interface nodes -->
<group if="$(arg sim)">
<include file="$(find industrial_robot_simulator)/launch/robot_interface_simulator.launch" />
<!-- publish the robot state (tf transforms) -->
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher" />
<include file="$(find clear_dual_motoman_mh5_moveit_config)/launch/move_group.launch">
<arg name="publish_monitored_planning_scene" value="true" />
<include file="$(find clear_dual_motoman_mh5_moveit_config)/launch/moveit_rviz.launch">
<arg name="config" value="true"/>
Hope you could help me to deal with these errors, Thank a lot!