"catkin_make" must be invoked in the root of workspace
Hi, I've got this problem, I saw other people with it, but answer on their topic didn't help me So i exactly have The specified base path "/home/eisti/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner" contains a package but "catkin_make" must be invoked in the root of workspace When I try
~/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner$ catkin_make
I'm just trying to do this tutorial
So the last things to do in this tutorials doesn't work " rosrun turtlesim_cleaner move.py" I think it's because of that, but I don't know how to fix this, I just follow the turorials
this is my workespace
/src (in this one)
Thank you,
In fact I had an other problem and I thougth it was from this catkin_make, but it wasn't I had a rospack error, like this, and solve it with this topic
But I still do not understant this line in the tutorial
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner
$ mkdir src
$ catkin_make
because like this catkin_make
can't work
Can you please update your question with links to the answers that you've tried using? This will help to keep people from suggesting solutions that you've already attempted