Turtlebot rviz Camera & Point Cloud2 topics not available to choose
Following "Visualizing Turtlebot Kinect Data" tutorial, can add Camera and Point Cloud 2 (Yellow background), but Image Topic depth or rgb choices are not listed. Image window is black. Dashboard Diagnostic & Breaker 0 so Kinect is powered on-blinking green light and red laser is on.
Workstation roswtf gives this:
Found 16 error(s).
ERROR Communication with [/robot_state_publisher] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/master_sync_Herschel_15710_1025976273] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/diagnostic_aggregator] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser_narrow] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/rviz_1335325216462728209] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_dashboard_3012_1335324855229] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/openni_manager] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/robot_pose_ekf] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/openni_camera] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/kinect_laser] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/pointcloud_throttle] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/rosout] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_laptop_battery] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_node] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/app_manager] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/turtlebot_dashboard_cpp_1335324855385011408] raised an error:
What should I check or edit?