ignore "/use_sim_time" parameter
is there a way to ignore the "/use_sim_time" parameter in a node, so that it uses the system time instead of clock? Thanks!
cheers Jonas
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is there a way to ignore the "/use_sim_time" parameter in a node, so that it uses the system time instead of clock? Thanks!
cheers Jonas
Use ros::WallTime
and ros::WallDuration
in your node.
Thanks for the hint! I wanted to use a ros::Timer, and your answer pointed me to the createWallTimer method. Jonas
@robotrover Please accept this answer using the checkmark at left so others know it's answered without reading the whole thread.
Asked: 2012-04-24 04:22:37 -0500
Seen: 646 times
Last updated: Apr 24 '12
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