I'm getting errors while trying to install hector_slam packages on raspberi_pi3 running ros kinetic.
Hello guys, I have a raspberry pi3 with ros kinetic installed. I'm trying to install hector_slam from their git repository. I,m getting catkin_make errors regarding missing packages like geometry,orocos_kdl,open_cv and then getting errors like non-catkin package (after cloning orocos_kdl). These errors are due to find_package command in CmakeLists file of hectos_slam packages. I have already installed hector_slam package in my laptop (ubuntu 18 + ros melodic) and it didn't ask for any extra package. I have tried rosedep, but it also gives the error that that rosdep cannot resolve key dependencies. Can anyone give brief steps for installing hector_slam in rasberi_pi3(with ros kinetic installed)?
please try to share all the error in detail