Eclipse marks commands related to ros as unresolved when writing nodes for Arduino
I have created a Project, where one node should run on a Arduino. Since I am working in Eclipse, I have used the structure given in this rosserial tutorial. In my case the directory structure is package_name/ardunio. In package_name/ardunio I put the code for the Arduino node. For testing, I just used the Blink sketch from the Tutorial.
When I press "Build" in Eclipse, everything builds without an error and I can upload the node to the Arduino successfully. However, Eclipse marks/underlines all lines of code related to Ros as unresolved. For instance,
ros::Subscriber<bieber_controller::CarControl> sub("toggle_led", &messageCb);
cannot be resolved.
Previously, I had similar issues with the Arduino command as well. I was able to fix them by including
However, I tried to include
, where the ros_lib is located, but the issues are still there.
This is my Eclipse Build ID information :
Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)
Build id: 20190314-1200
OS: Linux, v.4.15.0-48-generic, x86_64 / gtk 3.18.9, WebKit 2.20.5
Java version: 1.8.0_191