ARtoolkit install
How can I install the ARtoolkit library? (Ubuntu 10.04, ROS electric)
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How can I install the ARtoolkit library? (Ubuntu 10.04, ROS electric)
You may install ccny_vision, which will have artoolkit and a ros package called ar_pose that will publish detected markers.
Hi, can somebody help me on installing artoolkit on Ubuntu 12.04.3 (64 bit) and hydro? I tried ar_pose and I installed artoolkit for gstream. But if I compile artoolkit with gstream I can not use ar_pose. I tried to install ccny_vision too, but the server of ccny_vision is not available.
There are several packages which include artoolkit. Search for artoolkit
Asked: 2012-04-22 02:05:21 -0600
Seen: 1,125 times
Last updated: Sep 16 '13
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