Force Control/Impedance Control
Hello everyone,
i am using the franka emika panda, which i would like to solve the "peg in the hole problem" (Peg in the Hole)
Therefore i need the force control to feel the object in the hole. I search for information, but i dont find any ROS packages or some information about this topic. The franka_ros package have some example, but it doesnt help me.
I hope here to get some advice or tips to make my own force control.
Regards Markus
I think you have the external force in FrankaState, which you can get via a topic subscription to
and a callback, or you can yourself write a controller ...... like explained here. To be honest, I understand the latter method means you'd implement an inherited interface but haven't looked much into it yet. Maybe the examples from franka_example_controllers can help there.
thank you for your advice. I trying to solve the problem with your information.