What is wrong with my DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml files?

asked 2019-02-11 10:11:57 -0600

pantphotiou gravatar image

updated 2019-02-11 17:44:16 -0600

Geoff gravatar image

I want to run the ROS 2 talker/listener demo using DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml files to change domains so i can use the eprosima integration service domain connector. The xml files seem to be loaded but the participants from different domains are still communicating. Tried running talker and listener on the same and different machines. My workspace tree is:

  • ws
    • src
      • pub_profile (here i execute the talker)
      • sub_profile (here i execute the listener)

EDIT: I also tried using the same file for both participants with the same result.

talker xml file is :

  <?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <participant profile_name="participant_profile_pub">

    <publisher profile_name="publisher_profile">
        <name>chatter</name> <!-- string -->
        <dataType>string</dataType> <!-- string -->
          <kind>KEEP_LAST</kind> <!-- string -->
          <depth>20</depth> <!-- uint32 -->
          <kind>VOLATILE</kind> <!-- string -->
          <kind>AUTOMATIC</kind> <!-- string -->


listener xml file is:

  <?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <participant profile_name="participant_profile_sub">

    <subscriber profile_name="subscriber_profile">
        <name>chatter</name> <!-- string -->
        <dataType>string</dataType> <!-- string -->
          <kind>KEEP_LAST</kind> <!-- string -->
          <depth>20</depth> <!-- uint32 -->
          <kind>VOLATILE</kind> <!-- string -->
          <kind>AUTOMATIC</kind> <!-- string -->
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