Connection between a publisher and subscriber node

asked 2019-02-06 14:53:05 -0600

gktg1514 gravatar image

updated 2019-02-06 14:54:03 -0600

According to a textbook that I have been reading, ROS Master gives information of publisher node to the subscriber node. For example, our publisher node is teleop_turtle and subscriber node is turtlesim. According to the textbook, when the node teleop_turtle is run, its registration information is sent to the master, and ROS Master transfers this information to the node turtlesim.

This seems to me weird because it contradicts with the information in wikiros.

According to wikiros, the nodes which communicate with each other are not actually aware of who they are communicating with. The only thing that the nodes do is to subscribe to a topic or publish a message to a topic. In this point, topic is like a intermediary.

If ROS Master really gives the information of publisher node to the subscriber node, then we cannot sat that the nodes are not aware of who they are communicating with. Which one is true ?

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Please see whether #q203129 answers your question. It would seem that Q&A is almost a duplicate of yours.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-02-06 14:57:45 -0600 )edit