K4W with openni
I've been looking into using Kinect for Windows on Ubuntu. However, it seems not to be possible with openni at the moment. I found an interesting post regarding libfreenect, where they apparently did get it to work: https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect/issues/274 and https://github.com/renewagner/libfreenect/tree/k4w-wip
As ROS seems to be doing more in terms of development regarding the openni stack as opposed to the libfreenect driver. I was wondering if someone else has been working on getting these features into the openni driver. I did find a bridge between the windows sdk and openni: https://www.assembla.com/code/kinect-mssdk-openni-bridge/git/nodes/for-kinect-sdk-v10/release/kinect-mssdk-openni-bridge-1.0- .We are limited to the linux platform however, so this is not a possibility. Does anyone have more information regarding the subject?