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Problem launching Intel Realsense D435 camera

asked 2018-11-13 02:15:58 -0600

curi_ROS gravatar image

I’m trying to integrate an Intel RealSense D435 camera to try out some SLAM algorithms.I encountered an error mentioned here . As suggested i tried to apply the fix provided here. I did this however in the original realsense_node_factory.h file while retaining a copy of the original file.When this previous solution didn’t work for me i deleted the original and tried to use the copy of the realsense_node_factory.h file that i had saved earlier.When i tried to run the demo_pointcloud.launch i get errors as shown below.


 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_fps: 1000
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_optical_frame_id: _accel_optical_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/align_depth: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_color_frame_id: _aligned_depth_to...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_fisheye_frame_id: _aligned_depth_to...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra1_frame_id: _aligned_depth_to...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/aligned_depth_to_infra2_frame_id: _aligned_depth_to...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/base_frame_id: _link
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_frame_id: _color_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_optical_frame_id: _color_optical_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/color_width: 640
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_frame_id: _depth_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_optical_frame_id: _depth_optical_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/depth_width: 640
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_color: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_depth: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_fisheye: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_imu: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra1: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_infra2: False
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_pointcloud: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/enable_sync: True
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/filters: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_optical_frame_id: _fisheye_optical_...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/fisheye_width: 640
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_fps: 1000
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/gyro_optical_frame_id: _gyro_optical_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_frame_id: _infra1_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_optical_frame_id: _infra1_optical_f...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra1_width: 640
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_fps: 30
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_frame_id: _infra2_frame
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_height: 480
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_optical_frame_id: _infra2_optical_f...
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/infra2_width: 640
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/json_file_path: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_index: 0
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/pointcloud_texture_stream: RS2_STREAM_COLOR
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/rosbag_filename: 
 * /camera/realsense2_camera/serial_no: 
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14

    realsense2_camera (nodelet/nodelet)
    realsense2_camera_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
    rviz (rviz/rviz)


process[camera/realsense2_camera_manager-1]: started with pid [9284]
process[camera/realsense2_camera-2]: started with pid [9285]
process[camera/rviz-3]: started with pid [9286]
[ INFO] [1540453591.454769764]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ERROR] [1540453591.480682615]: Failed to load nodelet [/camera/realsense2_camera] of type [realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1540453591.480716534]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1540453591.480830516]: Failed to load nodelet '/camera/realsense2_camera` of type `realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory` to manager `realsense2_camera_manager'
[camera/realsense2_camera-2] process has died [pid 9285, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load realsense2_camera/RealSenseNodeFactory realsense2_camera_manager __name:=realsense2_camera __log:=/home/ubuntu/.ros/log/1ca0353a-d820-11e8-8449-001b1bf788da/camera-realsense2_camera-2.log].
log file: /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/1ca0353a-d820-11e8-8449-001b1bf788da/camera-realsense2_camera-2*.log

When i try to run catkin_make on my workspace i get another error.

[  0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_py
[  0%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_py
[  0%] Built target ...
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3 Answers

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answered 2018-11-13 03:48:56 -0600

The realsense_node_factory.cpp.o file is an intermediate object file created by the compiler before it is linked into a binary file. It is a generated file so you won't find it in any of the repositories.

Have you tried cloning the whole resetdev branch of the repository here instead of just patching a single file?

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This worked for me. Thank you very much!

curi_ROS gravatar image curi_ROS  ( 2018-11-13 07:14:35 -0600 )edit

answered 2018-11-13 05:14:07 -0600

Aviad gravatar image

Hi, Maybe you did an upgrade with "sudo apt-get upgrade"?

if you did so you need to clone the latest version of the realsense pkg. I have this camera also. I am using with the "realsense2" pkg.

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answered 2021-05-07 08:34:58 -0600

lorepieri gravatar image

This happened to me after sudo apt-get upgrade.

I solved by doing catkin build in the catkin workspace and then source devel/setup.bash.

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Asked: 2018-11-13 02:15:58 -0600

Seen: 4,431 times

Last updated: May 07 '21