my subscriber cannot connect to the topic
I am trying to connect to a topic as shown in the following code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
class signal_tools(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sig_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/signal", Float64, self.callback)
rospy.loginfo("initiated tools")
def init_signal(self):
self._signal = None
while self._signal is None:
self._signal = rospy.wait_for_message("\signal",
Float64, timeout=1)
rospy.loginfo("/signal topic is not ready yet, retrying")
rospy.loginfo("/signal topic READY")
def callback(self, data):
self.signal = data
def get_signal (self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
signal = signal_tools()
but whenever I am trying I cannot connect to it I am using ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic
I used the same code on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS kinetic and was working fine, can anyone spot the problem
I guess it's because you are waiting for a message on topic "\signal" when it should be "/signal"
no this is not the situation as appeared to me
Did already try to use relative names to the topics you are using?
have you tried the usual? I.e rosnode info ('node that is publising /signal' and 'node that is subscribing') to see what they actually subscribe/publish to. rostopic info /signal to see what is using it. Are you sure there are messages being published on /signal? Are you using bags or live data?