Warning: error when crawling, Input/output error
Hey all,
I am getting an interesting error with ROS Kinetic 1.12.14, running on Ubuntu 16.04.5. It only happens on our virtual server - not any of our physical devices. Whenever we try to tab-complete package names when running roslaunch
, this gets printed:
[rospack] Warning: error while crawling /afs/cs.wisc.edu: boost::filesystem::status: Input/output error: "/afs/cs.wisc.edu/i386_fed1b"
To reiterate, it only occurs when trying to tab-complete package names, not launch files. If tab-completing launch files, it works as expected. It doesn't technically break anything, and if not using tab-complete, it works fine. It just makes it difficult to use. Any ideas where to look for fixing this?
Thanks for any tips!
Have you seen #q258347 It suggests running
rospack profile
can you give it a try ?This could be a permission error, as the answer to #q76896 suggests.