What tools were used to create PR2's rviz model?
I've been trying to create a better visualization for our robot using Rviz. I'm working with HERB, which has structure very similar to the pr2, and my goal is to create a new robot model with textures similar to the visualization for pr2.
It looks like the relevant files for the pr2 are in pr2_description, and the main models are collada files. I've been attempting to create similar models using Blender, MeshLab, and ProEngineer, but nothing shows up with color in Rviz.
Many of my problems are very similar to this post, though I'm using Rviz instead of Gazebo. Correct shading isn't necessary - but we need the ability to color an object without having to break it into separate models for Rviz to color independently.
The pr2 model loads just fine. What software was used to create this model? Maybe I can use the same procedure to avoid the picky characteristics of Blender, Collada, and Rviz.
Thank you!
PR2 meshes were shrink-wrapped from CAD files in Pro-E, then manually vertex-reduced, hole patched, cleaned up and textured using commercial meshing tools, and finally exported as collada meshes by link. In the open source world, the few mesh editors I know and use are blender, wings3d and meshlab.