Model not rotating to commanded yaw.
I have written a publisher to rotate the robot to a specific angle but when I run that publisher robot does not rotate to that angle. Is there any fundamental mistake I am making or there is problem in ros? Is there any other way to achieve this goal? I have given the code and snapshot of the model after running that code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('firstrobot')
from std_msgs.msg import String
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
import time
import math
TEXTFILE = open("data_publisher.csv", "w")
pub = rospy.Publisher('robot_diff_drive_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
cmd_vel = Twist()
def odometryCb(msg):
import csv
x = msg.pose.pose.position.x
y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
v_x = msg.twist.twist.linear.x
w = msg.twist.twist.angular.z
q0 = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w
q1 = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x
q2 = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y
q3 = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z
yaw = math.degrees(math.atan2(2.0*(q0*q3 + q1*q2),(1.0-2.0*(q2*q2 + q3*q3))))
t= 1.0*msg.header.stamp.secs + 1.0*(msg.header.stamp.nsecs)/1000000000
row = [ v_x, w, yaw, t]
with open('data_publisher.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
if yaw <= 90:
def listener():
rospy.init_node('oodometry', anonymous=True)
rospy.Subscriber("robot_diff_drive_controller/odom", Odometry, odometryCb)
if __name__ == '__main__':