Need help with Cross Compiling libraries for ros android ndk
As described here ros_android_ndk, I am trying to cross compile some libraries for ros android ndk.
My first problem is that when i add new packages with in the ndk.rosinstall and they fail to compile I cant get them out anymore. Even if I delete the new dependencies or comment them out the ./ fails because of the new dependencies. Do I miss a step here?(Solved see answers)
I need 2 Packages that arent included yet:
depthimage_to_laserscan and map_server.
Sadly map_server is commented out. Is there any workaround?
depthimage_to_laserscan the kinetic fails as well. But the indigo release seems to crosscompile correctly because it doesn't depend on opencv3.
Now that it has compiled how do I use it?
Do I just include the header file? Do i need to copy the code or do I have to declare it in the file.