rosserial_arduino Processing Messages
We are trying to set up a publisher/subscriber that will pull in data from a computer (publishing) that is sending drive commands (direction/speed) to the Arduino to control a UGV. We are also looking to have the Arduino send back information (battery_status, turn angle, speed, etc) and we are having issues with getting everything to work.
I know this is probably a really stupid question but is there a way that I can print out my to the Arduino serial monitor to make sure that I am actually getting that data and that I am not messing up on that 1st basic step?
Can you describe the issues your experiencing?
I am having issues getting the information to "ping" back to the sending computer. I am trying to make sure that the arduino is indeed getting what I am sending. So I send the information in a String and i try to pull that data and then have the arduino broadcast it again to prove that it got it.
In that case did my answer about creating a debug publisher make sense?