Can i Use navigation stack if my robot does not have any laser or kinect type camera
currently I am working on a project which is as following. 1-a camera is mounted on cieling of my room 2- image processing is used to localize the robot(using ar alvar track package) and obstacles. 3- path planning is done using A* algorithm i am done with all that is mentioned above. Now i want my robot to follow the planned path. but according to the description of Navigation stack package, you must need a Laser sensor for sensor stream input... Is there anyway to use this package for my project or is there any other solution for tracking of my robot
Do you have another distance sensor, e.g. sonar?
actually i do have an ultrasonic Sensor mounted in front of my vehicle but it's just to detect if any dynamic obstacle comes up
You can add a range sensor layer to your local costmap for your ultrasonic.