Fail to use move group interface of the MoveIt! when connecting gazebo with Moveit!.

asked 2018-06-22 04:18:02 -0500

shuiqingxd gravatar image

updated 2018-06-22 04:21:09 -0500

After I succeeded to connect the gazebo with Moveit!, I launched the move_group_interface.cpp but the Rviz failed to load the robot model and failed to recognize the Reference frame. As a result, the trajectory and motion of the robot cannot be displayed on the Rviz. The gazebo_moveit.launch file is:


<include file="$(find slave_gazebo)/launch/slave_world.launch"/>

<include file="$(find slave_control)/launch/slave_gazebo_states.launch"/>

<include file="$(find slave_control)/launch/slave_trajectory_controller.launch"/>

<include file="$(find slavedarm_config)/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch"/>


The content of the moveit_planning_execution.launch is:


<include file="$(find slavedarm_config)/launch/move_group.launch">


<!-- The visualization component of MoveIt!-->

<include file="$(find slavedarm_config)/launch/moveit_rviz.launch">

   <arg name="config" value="true"/>


<node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher">

 <param name="/use_gui" value="false"/> 

 <rosparam param="/source_list">[/slave/joint_states]</rosparam>



The move_group_interface.launch file is:


<node name="group_interface" pkg="moveit_myarm" type="group_interface" respawn="false" output="screen">



After launch the gazebo and Moveit! launch file, the error information, with no effect on the system, is listed:

  • MoveGroup using:
    • ApplyPlanningSceneService
    • CartesianPathService
    • ExecuteTrajectoryAction
    • GetPlanningSceneService
    • MoveAction
    • PickPlaceAction
    • MotionPlanService
    • QueryPlannersService
    • StateValidationService

You can start planning now!

[ERROR] [1529585150.124966293, 3.214000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

[ERROR] [1529585150.244122237, 3.333000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

And after launch the move_group_interface.launch, the infromation is listed:

[ERROR] [1529586437.344894935, 1277.554000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

[ERROR] [1529586437.475137289, 1277.684000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

And after launch the move_group_interface.launch, the infromation is listed:

[ERROR] [1529586437.344894935, 1277.554000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

[ERROR] [1529586437.475137289, 1277.684000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

[ INFO] [1529586439.048185756, 1279.232000000]: Reference frame: /world

[ERROR] [1529586444.136977092, 1284.312000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

[ERROR] [1529586444.229218318, 1284.404000000]: Semantic description is not specified for the same robot as the URDF

Pay attention to the Reference frame.It should be /base_link, not /world.So here is a mistake. And there are other errors as above.

Therefore, I don't know how to get the moveit, gazebo and move group together.

Wish for your answer and help.

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