Possible to declare static object in urdf file?
I have a bunch of objects as urdf files which I use for simulation in Gazebo and visualization in Rviz. Now I would like some of them to be fixed in the environment. As stated here this is possible with Gazebo xml model files by putting following tag in the model.
However, simply putting the same tag in the gazebo extension of the urdf file like so:
<gazebo reference="my_object">
does not work, it simply gets ignored. I would like to use urdf files instead of Gazebo model xml's since urdf's can be easily visualized in Rviz by reading the description from the parameter server which does not seem to work for Gazebo model xml's. So, the question is whether there is a way to literally fix objects in their urdf file description opposed to simply making them very heavy.
Thanks, -Robert-