Does an finished odometry node exists?
Hello everybody.
I'm new to ROS. I finished some of the beginner tutorials and than started to work on my robot platform from the university. Its a pretty easy setup with two powered wheels and one passive wheel for stabilization.
I was surprised that some of the nodes existed already. Like the joy_node for publishing all the data from the wireless joystick i have. And also the SICK-Node to read out the data from the laser scanner.
After writing my own node for the elmo controllers i thought about starting with the odometry. But well, to be honest, each time i look at the code of someone knowing what he/she is doing, my own code looks like building something with Lego bricks instead of using the 3D printer. That's also the problem with the code spinets i found so far. I always couldn't understand parts of them.
So, the question is, is there a finished node for this pretty standard kinematic? Just like the node for the joystick, which publishes the data on a topic. Here it would be publishing the estimated position just by feeding in the geometric dimensions (wheel diameter, wheel distance, counts per turn) and the encoder values. I'm pretty sure i'm not the first one needing something like this. But so far i couldn't find something finished as a standalone node.
Thanks for the time of everybody reading till here :D
Best regards, Lukas
Using: Linux 64, ROS Indigo
You might want to take a look at diff_drive_controller or the differential_drive package