transformLaserScanToPointCloud and pcl::fromROSMsgs???
i've taken a sensor_msgs/LaserScan and used transformLaserScanToPointCloud to get a new sensor_msgs/PointCloud.
originally my laserScan only had single values but after this, when i cout the ->points, there seems to be three values, (something, something, 0)
and since i want to be able to perform some pcl functions on my laser data i then use pcl::fromROSMsgs to take the sensor_msgs/PointCloud and transform it into a PointCloud of type PointXYZ.
and now using cout to view the ->points, there are now three values, (something, something, something).
what exaclty has happened to my original laser readings which were in meters? i thought i could access the laser values in the PointXYZ form by using ->points._x as is shown on the struct page here...