Can't use rviz turtlebot3 slam configuration file

asked 2018-05-11 02:40:19 -0500

Maximilien gravatar image

updated 2018-06-07 09:02:02 -0500

Hi !

I can't use the configuration file in turtlebot3_slam. It gives me a segmentation fault with Rviz.

OS of the PC : Debian Jessie

OS of the raspberry pi 3 b : Ubuntu Xenial

Process :

(1) PC : roscore

(2) Turtlebot3 : roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch


... logging to /home/turtlebot3/.ros/log/e14a5510-51e7-11e8-887e-b8ac6f43b528/roslaunch-turtlebot3-desktop-2660.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13
 * /turtlebot3_core/baud: 115200
 * /turtlebot3_core/port: /dev/ttyACM0
 * /turtlebot3_lds/frame_id: base_scan
 * /turtlebot3_lds/port: /dev/ttyUSB0

    turtlebot3_core (rosserial_python/
    turtlebot3_diagnostics (turtlebot3_bringup/turtlebot3_diagnostics)
    turtlebot3_lds (hls_lfcd_lds_driver/hlds_laser_publisher)


process[turtlebot3_core-1]: started with pid [2688]
process[turtlebot3_lds-2]: started with pid [2689]
process[turtlebot3_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [2690]
[INFO] [1525695852.748995]: ROS Serial Python Node
[INFO] [1525695852.813717]: Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200 baud
[INFO] [1525695854.977798]: Note: publish buffer size is 1024 bytes
[INFO] [1525695854.979438]: Setup publisher on sensor_state [turtlebot3_msgs/SensorState]
[INFO] [1525695854.989607]: Setup publisher on version_info [turtlebot3_msgs/VersionInfo]
[INFO] [1525695855.000042]: Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
[INFO] [1525695855.012410]: Setup publisher on cmd_vel_rc100 [geometry_msgs/Twist]
[INFO] [1525695855.039606]: Setup publisher on odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
[INFO] [1525695855.052477]: Setup publisher on joint_states [sensor_msgs/JointState]
[INFO] [1525695855.064908]: Setup publisher on battery_state [sensor_msgs/BatteryState]
[INFO] [1525695855.074904]: Setup publisher on magnetic_field [sensor_msgs/MagneticField]
[INFO] [1525695857.354180]: Setup publisher on /tf [tf/tfMessage]
[INFO] [1525695857.379500]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 1024 bytes
[INFO] [1525695857.380958]: Setup subscriber on cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
[INFO] [1525695857.405518]: Setup subscriber on sound [turtlebot3_msgs/Sound]
[INFO] [1525695857.431306]: Setup subscriber on motor_power [std_msgs/Bool]
[INFO] [1525695857.446810]: Setup subscriber on reset [std_msgs/Empty]
[INFO] [1525695858.012520]: --------------------------
[INFO] [1525695858.015653]: Connected to OpenCR board!
[INFO] [1525695858.018791]: This core(v1.1.2) is compatible with TB3 Burger
[INFO] [1525695858.021902]: --------------------------
[INFO] [1525695858.024968]: Start Calibration of Gyro
[INFO] [1525695860.568680]: Calibration End


(3) PC : roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam.launch


... logging to /home/maximilien/.ros/log/e14a5510-51e7-11e8-887e-b8ac6f43b528/roslaunch-xeon2-18514.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing!
To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order.
For more infos, see
started roslaunch server


 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /robot_state_publisher/publish_frequency: 50.0
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/angularUpdate: 0.2
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/astep: 0.05
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/base_frame: base_footprint
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/delta: 0.05
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/iterations: 5
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/kernelSize: 1
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/lasamplerange: 0.005
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/lasamplestep: 0.005
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/linearUpdate: 0.2
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/llsamplerange: 0.01
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/llsamplestep: 0.01
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/lsigma: 0.075
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/lskip: 0
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/lstep: 0.05
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/map_update_interval: 2.0
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/maxUrange: 4.0
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/minimumScore: 100
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/odom_frame: odom
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/ogain: 3.0
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping/particles: 120
 * /turtlebot3_slam_gmapping ...
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Could I ask you to please review the formatting of your question? It's almost unintelligible right now.

Please use the Preformatted Text button (the one with 101010 on it) to format console copy-pastes (select text, press button). Also take a look at the lists you use.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-05-11 03:19:54 -0500 )edit

I've just formated my topic. Thank you for your answer !

Maximilien gravatar image Maximilien  ( 2018-05-15 04:24:11 -0500 )edit