Couldn't find executable named rqt_graph
I'm running on ubuntu 14.04 indigo. since I don't have Internet access from the computer that I am working on, therefore I cannot use sudo apt-get ...
commands. Therefore, I used a usb to transfer all the files. I used this link to make sure I am downloading the right for my system.
I built rqt(0.4.8) and rqt_graph(0.4.8) from the source, when I ran catkin_make, it builts successfully. However, when I try to ran rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
it shows me the following:
/catkin_ws$ rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named rqt_graph below /home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_graph
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_graph
[rosrun] /home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_graph/src/rqt_graph
[rosrun] /home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_graph/scripts/rqt_graph
So I went into rqt_graph/script/rqt_graph
and made it into an executable, then I ran rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
again, and it gave me the following:
RosPluginProvider.load(rqt_graph/RosGraph) exception raised in __builtin__.__import__(rqt_graph.ros_graph, [RosGraph]): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_gui/src/rqt_gui/", line 77, in load module = __builtin__.__import__(attributes['module_name'], fromlist=[attributes['class_from_class_type']], level=0) File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_graph/src/rqt_graph/", line 38, in <module> from python_qt_binding.QtWidgets import QCompleter, QFileDialog, QGraphicsScene, QWidget
ImportError: No module named QtWidgets
PluginManager._load_plugin() could not load plugin "rqt_graph/RosGraph": Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/", line 99, in load self._load()
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/", line 54, in _load self._plugin = self._plugin_provider.load(self._instance_id.plugin_id, self._context)
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/", line 71, in load instance = plugin_provider.load(plugin_id, plugin_context)
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/", line 71, in load instance = plugin_provider.load(plugin_id, plugin_context)
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_gui_py/src/rqt_gui_py/", line 60, in load return super(RosPyPluginProvider, self).load(plugin_id, plugin_context)
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/", line 71, in load instance = plugin_provider.load(plugin_id, plugin_context)
File "/home/administrator/catkin_ws/src/rqt_gui/src/rqt_gui/", line 83, in load raise e
ImportError: No module named QtWidgets
Anyone got suggestions on how I should fix this?
Looks like something is missing. Try running:
shows me: apt ros-indigo-qt-dotgraph, so I downloaded the 0.2.32 version. Now, when I do run
rosrun rqt_
tab tab, it actually shows merqt_graph
, but it still gave me the error saying can't find an executable. Then, when I made it an executable, it shows me the import error.What version of the package
do you have installed?