pause functionality in rosbag play?
The rosbag wiki says 'The main new feature being planned for rosbag is the addition of a ROS API for interacting with the playing and recording nodes via service calls.'... I was wondering what the status on this is? Will this be added any time soon?
At the moment I am running rosbag play through the roslaunch api, and I would like to have a way to pause/resume the playback through a GUI I have. Apparently, by running the rosbag application externally, you can press space to pause, but this does not really work for me. Any ideas how to do this? For instance like sending a 'space' input to the rosbag node...?
For the record I am using python at the moment.
If anyone else is interested, as a temporary solution, I ended up spawning rosbag by using p = subprocess.Popen() and p.stdin.write(). This works, but a rosbag API would still be preferred :)
Although this question is old: after playing the rosbag, a service for pause-playback is available.