Problem generating convex decomposed stl [closed]

asked 2012-02-29 00:19:18 -0500

Lucian gravatar image


I'm trying to visualize my stl robot model in gazebo. I use the following CMakeLists.txt in order to generate .iv objects and convex decomposed stl files, yet it fails with an segmentation fault and thus stops building.

It worked with another model, but not with the new one. Could it'be a problem within the .stl itself and could the problem come from SolidWorks?

(It is not me who wrote this CmakeList, I merely try to reuse it)

Thanks a lot for your help

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6) include($ENV{ROS_ROOT}/core/rosbuild/rosbuild.cmake)




mesh file generations

rosbuild_find_ros_package(ivcon) rosbuild_find_ros_package(convex_decomposition)

iterate through all the stl files to:

1. convert to *.iv files

2. generate convex decomposed .stl

file(GLOB cob_stl_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/meshes//.stl) set(cob_gen_files "")

foreach(it ${cob_stl_files}) get_filename_component(basepath ${it} PATH) get_filename_component(basename ${it} NAME_WE)

IF ( ${basename} MATCHES "_convex" )

message("ignoring stale .._convex.stl file:",${basename})

ELSE ( ${basename} MATCHES "_convex" )

# create subdirectory convex
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex
  # CMake 2.4 doesn't offer the make_directory command.
  #COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory
  COMMAND mkdir -p
  ARGS ${basepath}/convex)

# create subdirectory iv
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/iv
  # CMake 2.4 doesn't offer the make_directory command.
  #COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory
  COMMAND mkdir -p
  ARGS ${basepath}/iv)

#create obj files for convex decomposition from stl files
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex/${basename}.obj
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${it} ${basepath}/convex/${basename}.obj
  DEPENDS ${it} ${basepath}/convex)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/convex/${basename}.obj)

#convex decompose object files
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj
  COMMAND ${convex_decomposition_PACKAGE_PATH}/convex_decomposition/bin/convex_decomposition
  ARGS ${basepath}/convex/${basename}.obj -v12 -p10
  DEPENDS ${basepath}/convex/${basename}.obj ${basepath}/convex)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj)

#convert obj files back to stlb, put in directory named convex
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stlb
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stlb
  DEPENDS ${it} ${basepath}/convex ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stlb)

#convert obj files back to stla, put in directory named convex
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stla
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stla
  DEPENDS ${it} ${basepath}/convex ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.stla)

#convert stl files to stlb, put in directory named stlb
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/${basename}.stlb
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${basepath}/${basename}.stl ${basepath}/${basename}.stlb
  DEPENDS ${it} ${basepath}/${basename}.stl)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/${basename}.stlb)

#create iv files
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/iv/${basename}.iv
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${it} ${basepath}/iv/${basename}.iv
  DEPENDS ${basepath}/iv ${it})
  OUTPUT ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.iv
  COMMAND ${ivcon_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/ivcon
  ARGS ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.iv
  DEPENDS ${it} ${basepath}/convex ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.obj)

set(cob_gen_files ${cob_gen_files} ${basepath}/iv/${basename}.iv ${basepath}/convex/${basename}_convex.iv)

ENDIF ( ${basename} MATCHES "_convex" )

endforeach ... (more)

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2013-09-18 14:16:27