A simple subscriber for a camera topic?
So I am pretty new to ROS and have very little experience with it. I am working with a simulator for autonomous cars for a project. The simulator is called Truevision. So, the car in the simulator has cameras attached to it. I want to subscribe to the cameras and save the image from the camera in a folder. I have been looking all over for something like that and have been trying to make a node myself but nothing seems to be working. The publisher I want to subscribe to is this: /truevision/camera/front_right How do I do it?
What does this mean? What have you tried (examples please) and what were the results (terminal output if possible)?
I tried following the tutorials given on the ROS website. I pretty much copied the code and changed up the topic name. But the code would give me a syntax error. and I tried the code provided here https://gist.github.com/rethink-imcma... this one ran but didn't do anything
Can you update your question with a copy and paste of the error and what you've tried so far? It's easier to help when the question has some code and errors.
@sdcguy: which particular tutorial have you followed? The wiki/image_transport - Writing a Simple Image Subscriber (C++) tutorial should be the easiest way to subscribe to images (in C++, that is).