Could not initialize ethercat driver Robotiq 3-Finger Gripper
Related Question: Here
Hi everyone! I'm trying to control a Robotiq 3 Finger Gripper using ROS kinetic, but when execute roslaunch, it gives me an error saying that the EtherCAT driver couldn't be initialized (additionally, SOEM won't start). I have followed all the steps that appear in the related question above, as well as all the necessary steps in order to install the EtherCAT driver from EtherLab (Manual: Here).
I have some sort of communication with the gripper, but ROS isn't able to bring the driver on. Here is an output of the command ethercat master
Every 0,5s: ./ethercat master Mon Nov 20 14:31:53 2017
Phase: Idle
Active: no
Slaves: 1
Ethernet devices:
Main: 78:d0:04:24:7e:33 (attached)
Link: UP
Tx frames: 1027480
Tx bytes: 63272028
Rx frames: 1027480
Rx bytes: 63272028
Tx errors: 0
Tx frame rate [1/s]: 125 124 125
Tx rate [KByte/s]: 7.3 7.3 7.3
Rx frame rate [1/s]: 125 124 125
Rx rate [KByte/s]: 7.3 7.3 7.3
Tx frames: 1027480
Tx bytes: 63272028
Rx frames: 1027480
Rx bytes: 63272028
Lost frames: 0
Tx frame rate [1/s]: 125 124 125
Tx rate [KByte/s]: 7.3 7.3 7.3
Rx frame rate [1/s]: 125 124 125
Rx rate [KByte/s]: 7.3 7.3 7.3
Loss rate [1/s]: 0 -0 0
Frame loss [%]: 0.0 -0.0 0.0
Distributed clocks:
Reference clock: Slave 0
Application time: 0
2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000000
Which says to me that there is some sort of communication between the gripper and the computer. Here is the output of the ethercatctl status
Checking for EtherCAT master 1.5.2
Master0 running
Here is my s_model_ethercat.launch file:
<arg name="gripper_name" default="gripper" />
<arg name="slave_number" default="1" />
<arg name="activate" default="True" />
<arg name="ifname" default="eoe0s0" />
<node pkg="robotiq_s_model_control" type="s_model_ethercat_node" name="gripper_server" output="screen">
<param name="ifname" type="str" value="$(arg ifname)" />
<param name="activate" type="bool" value="$(arg activate)" />
<param name="slave_number" type="int" value="$(arg slave_number)"/>
<remap from="output" to="/$(arg gripper_name)/output" />
<remap from="input" to="/$(arg gripper_name)/input" />
I must recall that the EtherCAT driver won't be initialized no matter which network interface I use (eoe0s0 is created when I load the ethercat module, but the phyisical one is enp4s0). I suspect that ROS can't initialize the driver because it doesn't know where it is. Here is a reduced output of roslaunch robotiq_s_model_control s_model_ethercat.launch
[ INFO] [1511182084.984832728]: Initializing etherCAT master
[ERROR] [1511182084.984891375]: Could not initialize ethercat driver
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'robotiq_ethercat::EtherCatError'
what(): Could not initialize SOEM
[gripper_server-1] process has died [pid 31098, exit code -6, cmd /home/spluser/catkin_ws/devel/lib/robotiq_s_model_control/s_model_ethercat_node output:=/gripper/output input:=/gripper/input __name:=gripper_server __log:=/home/spluser/.ros/log/2284fc32-cddc-11e7-b70a-78d004247e32/gripper_server-1.log].
log file: /home/spluser ...