neato xv-21 does not work with keyboard

asked 2017-11-04 00:36:01 -0500

nada2bnm gravatar image

Hi I'm studying with ros indigo and neato xv 21 .

I'm trying to move xv-21 slam and navigation by ros indigo.

I'm wating and studying the slam and navigation. this site. the soure : (I try this source samely, not change.)

I'm trying to this stage.

  1. roslaunch neato_node bringup.launch
  2. roslaunch neato_2dnav move_base.launch
  3. rosrun rviz rviz
  4. rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

I try the first stage : 1. first i set the serial port : sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

and stage 1 is not have error. xv 21 lidar sensor working normally.

so I try the second , it not have error too.

but I try the third stage, on rivz but noting see it.

and stage 4 , is normally working , but push the keyboard, but neato xv 21 nothing change,

what's wrong with neato xv 21?

plz help me.

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