teb_local_planner segfault on Fedora 26
Hi all,
I'm on Fedora 26 with PocoFoundation 1.7.8p2 and move_base fails to load using teb_local_planner with a segfault. This seems to be an error related to costmap_converter due to the following:
- other local planners seem to load fine (e.g. dwa_local_planner).
- when I remove all usages of costmap_converter from teb_local_planner it loads fine.
Find the output of gdb here: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste... (this is taken from roslaunch teb_local_planner_tutorials robot_diff_drive_in_stage.launch with move_base in gdb.)
Further info:
- ROS Kinetic is built from source with quite recent source states (as of 1 hour old).
- Fedora is updated accordingly
I tried to build the class_loader package with older versions of PocoFoundation although right now I can't get it to work - the same issue persists.
So my guess that this is related to costmap_converter also comes from a hint provided by Team Vigir's pluginlib wiki-page: https://github.com/team-vigir/vigir_p... (see "Troubleshooting") They state that loading a plugin which loads plugins on it's own causes a weird issue (see wiki page).
Any ideas? I will add a valgrind output soon.
What else should I provide?