Turtlebot3 - how to work with various OpenCR sensors and actions
The OpenCR board has various sensors and actions: User LED x 4 : LD3 (red), LD4 (green), LD5 (blue), Gyroscope 3Axis, Accelerometer 3Axis, Magnetometer 3Axis (MPU9250), User button x 2.
What's the best way to access them from a ROS node? I would like to be able to read the gyro, accelerometer, magnetometer, and user buttons, and activate the LEDs.
I see that Turtlebot3 Burger core source for OpenCR in Arduino IDE, there are 5 publishers and I see their message types https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtle... but I can't find the actual code that publishes. I've downloaded what I think is all the source code but can't find the code that actually publishes. I must be blind!
Can someone indicate to me where that code is and/or where it is documented?