[Solved] OpenCR Serial communication
I would like to use a Cortex-M board to communicate with the OpenCR. However my board does not have any USB connector. So I would like to use some pins and configure them as an UART. As far as I understood the communication is serial so it should be possible to achieve that. But I could not make it work yet. My first question is: is it achievable? Here is what I tried:
In the turtlebot3_core code for the OpenCR board:
ros::NodeHandle nh;
is initialized as (in OpenCR/1.0.13/libraries/turtlebot3_ros_lib/ros.h)
typedef NodeHandle_<ArduinoHardware, 25, 25, 1024, 1024> NodeHandle;
And ArduinoHardware is defined (in OpenCR/1.0.13/libraries/turtlebot3_ros_lib/ArduinoHardware.h)
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#define SERIAL_CLASS USBSerial // USBSerial / UARTClass
iostream = &Serial;
//iostream = &Serial1;
baud_ = 57600;
I tried to change the SERIAL_CLASS define to UARTClass in order to use one of the UARTClass defined in OpenCR/1.0.13/libraries/variants/variants.h:
I was also wondering where Serial1 is located on the OpenCR. Thanks :D
EDIT: It was a problem with my UART cables. Everything is working by following those steps.
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