URDF tutorial Got Error
System: Ubuntu 16.04.02
ROS Version: Kinetic
The screenshot for the problem:
I will try my best to describe it.
I just download the tutorial package from the Github: https://github.com/ros/urdf_tutorial/
Last time I tried, it was OK.
However, I reinstalled my system due to my PC error. Then if I tried to use
roslaunch urdf_sim_tutorial 09-joints.launch
It will launch gazebo
normally. But there are many errors in the rivz RobotModel part.
Many errors such as :
No transform from [box] to [base_link]
However, I am pretty sure that there is such link in the file
So does any one encounter the same problem?
PS: I tried other files, they all give similar problem ( with the respect to the RobotModel in rivz)
I really appreciated if any one can help me.
I am sorry to make this question so long...
Here is the LAUNCH file:
<arg name="model" default="$(find urdf_sim_tutorial)/urdf/09-publishjoints.urdf.xacro"/>
<arg name="rvizconfig" default="$(find urdf_tutorial)/rviz/urdf.rviz" />
<include file="$(find urdf_sim_tutorial)/launch/gazebo.launch">
<arg name="model" value="$(arg model)" />
<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(arg rvizconfig)" />
<rosparam command="load"
file="$(find urdf_sim_tutorial)/config/joints.yaml"
ns="r2d2_joint_state_controller" />
<node name="r2d2_controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner"
--shutdown-timeout 3"/>
Here is the 09-publishjoints.urdf.xacro:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot name="gazebo1" xmlns:xacro="http://ros.org/wiki/xacro">
<xacro:property name="width" value="0.2" />
<xacro:property name="leglen" value="0.6" />
<xacro:property name="polelen" value="0.2" />
<xacro:property name="bodylen" value="0.6" />
<xacro:property name="baselen" value="0.4" />
<xacro:property name="wheeldiam" value="0.07" />
<xacro:property name="pi" value="3.1415" />
<material name="blue">
<color rgba="0 0 0.8 1"/>
<material name="black">
<color rgba="0 0 0 1"/>
<material name="white">
<color rgba="1 1 1 1"/>
<xacro:macro name="default_inertial" params="mass">
<mass value="${mass}" />
<inertia ixx="1.0" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="1.0" iyz="0.0" izz="1.0" />
<link name="base_link">
<cylinder radius="${width}" length="${bodylen}"/>
<material name="blue"/>
<cylinder radius="${width}" length="${bodylen}"/>
<xacro:default_inertial mass="10"/>
<xacro:macro name="wheel" params="prefix suffix reflect">
<link name="${prefix}_${suffix}_wheel">
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="${pi/2} 0 0" />
<cylinder radius="${wheeldiam/2}" length="0.1"/>
<material name="black"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="${pi/2} 0 0" />
<cylinder radius="${wheeldiam/2}" length="0.1"/>
<xacro:default_inertial mass="1"/>
<joint name="${prefix}_${suffix}_wheel_joint" type="continuous">
<axis xyz="0 1 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<parent link="${prefix}_base"/>
<child link="${prefix}_${suffix}_wheel"/>
<origin xyz="${baselen*reflect/3} 0 -${wheeldiam/2+.05}" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<xacro:macro name="leg" params="prefix reflect">
<link name="${prefix}_leg">
<box ...
I'm not familiar with gazebo. But since you work with URDF, I guess you can visualize the tf tree using
? If that's the case could you show us the result of such a command line please :-)Actually it is not related to Gazebo. Coz I use the 09-joints.launch file download from the ROS Wiki Tutorial. It is too long to copy the code here. So, here is the link to the launch file code: https://github.com/ros/urdf_tutorial/... Thx ! : )
oh.. may be I try to copy the code to the question and edit it. THx
How about posting a copy of your tf tree?
I am having the same issue. Could anyone help out? This is the output of view_frames