Multiple packages in catkin workspace?
Hi! I'm just starting out with ROS. I'm trying to create multiple packages in the same workspace, but tab complete fails for some inexplicable (to me) reason. I've outlined the steps below. Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening?
mkdir catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src/
In catkin_ws/src:
catkin_create_pkg pkg1
Then in catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
This allows me to tab complete rosrun pkg1 ...
However, when I create a second package in catkin_ws/src named 'pkg2' following the same steps, run catkin_make again and try to tab complete 'rosrun pk', I'm only shown 'pkg1'. Shouldn't ROS allow me to create multiple packages in the same folder?
Which steps are you repeating, specifically?
In catkin_ws/src:
Then in catkin_ws