I had to install this recently and managed to get it working without too many problems. Using kinetic and a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04LTS
- I installed ros kinetic desktop full and all the panda_moveit_config package
- Tried to run 'roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch rviz_tutorial:=true'
- This requires the warehouse_ros_mongo package which is not actually released for kinetic on ubuntu
- But it can be built from source using https://github.com/ros-planning/wareh...
- To get the C++ driver for this, ignore their instructions and use http://mongocxx.org/legacy-v1/install...
git clone -b releases/legacy https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-...
git checkout legacy
sudo scons --prefix=/usr/local --disable-warnings-as-errors install
This should finish with warnings but not errors.
Then clone warehouse_ros_mongo and build it with catkin make. I had to add
to the CMakeLists.txt file for that package.
You should be able to run
roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch db:=true
and connect to the database on the port which is noted in the terminal output.