How to use velodye-64 with velodyne driver
roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud 32e_points.launch calibration:=/home/user/32db.yaml
how to revamp it
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roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud 32e_points.launch calibration:=/home/user/32db.yaml
how to revamp it
The driver is documented on the ROS wiki.
There is not a launch file for the 64e models that exactly duplicates 32e_points.launch
. I suggest that you make a copy of that script and update its parameters following the documentation above.
Which type of laser do you use? You need to change the launch file to the launcher file you are using. The path in the command is the absolute path to the location where the yaml file is stored.
Asked: 2017-06-19 03:31:46 -0500
Seen: 466 times
Last updated: Dec 29 '17