Difference in CPU% between static_transform_publisher and tf::TransformBroadcaster?
Hi everyone! When broadcasting tfs, is there a difference between running static_transform_publisher or broadcasting via tf::TransformBroadcaster in terms of computational resources? When directly running the static_transform_publisher, the period parameter defines how often the transform is sent, but I don’t think something similar is possible when using the sendTransform() method in code.
I have certain launch file that uses three static_transform_publishers. I have tried broadcasting them via code instead, but when doing this, my CPU usage spikes quite notoriously.
For some practical reasons I would like to do this in code rather than in the launch file. Though if the same behaviour is not achievable, I would of course settle for the latter.
PS. I am using rospy.
Thank you very much in advance! Diego
Can you show the code doing the tf broadcasting?